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I'm Andrés Ávila, a Mexican illustrator from Sonora, México.

I have a passion for everything graphic design related.
From animation to illustration, I have tried everything and I'm willing to try even more, I love learning and doing new stuff everyday.




Motion Graphics

Video Editing

Streamer Graphics

AR Filters

3D Modeling

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This is not a clay sculpture of a cat in a boot, it is a 3D render.


This was made for an assignment I had on a design class, my teacher wanted me to make a clay sculpture but I had another approach in mind, I learned how to make realistic renders with blender because I wanted to learn something new and still have fun in the process.

I decided to make a video about it and I uploaded it to tiktok, right now the video has over half a million views with awesome reactions to it.

In the end I got a lot of views and even an A+ from my teacher, but what im really proud of, is how i got to inspire a lot of people with what i do.

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I´ve made AR filters with over 17 Million impressions in total.


In 2019 I was learning how to make AR filters for instagram and facebook because my girlfriend wanted me to make a joke filter with one of her ideas, so as an act of love i got to learn how to make AR filters and made her idea real. As of today, my biggest filter is at 8 Million impressions and it was a success for me and my girlfriend.

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I´ve worked as a freelancer doing commissions for other people.


One of the things I love from being a designer, is working for other people on projects they have. I love doing animations, illustrations and branding for people who are interested on using my designs on their projects. I believe having great communication with my clients it´s one of the essential things on having satisfied clients.

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Im proud of the reactions and engagment my personal projects have.


Since I was a kid, being on the internet has been a really big part of my life, consuming media from everywhere and having a presence on every place I can, has been really cool because of all the things I´ve learned. I love having a presence online, one of my hobbies is making videos and im really proud of the audience I´ve built over the years of making stuff on the internet. Im really happy with all the people I´ve had a positive effect on with my art. You can check more of what I do in my portfolio







Adobe Illustrator




Adobe After Effects


Adobe Animate


Adobe Photoshop


Spark AR Studio

ABOUT ME: Welcome
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